Friday, September 12, 2014

Is Unconditional Love Real?

Have you ever heard someone tell you that they love their husband or their wife or their child or even you unconditionally?  Have you been tempted to say it yourself?  I know I have said it and at the time actually felt like I meant it.  Everything's conditional.  We will get back to that in just a moment.  First I would like to ask you some more questions.  Have you ever heard someone tell you that you need to be more tolerant of other people's culture, religion, or even someone's sexual orientation?  Have you ever been told that everyone should pull together to make sure their fellow man is taken care of?  Lastly I want to ask you do you feel guilty at all for personal successes and achievements and the rewards reaped as a result?  Everything's conditional. 

            I want to stop right here and explain a little bit about myself.  I was born in 1980 in Fort Knox, KY.  I was born destined to live as an Army brat.  Now in case you are unfamiliar with the term, it simply means a child whose parent(s) are in the army and end up moving everywhere their parents do.  My stays included Delaware, Mississippi, Arizona, Virginia and finally winding up back in Kentucky.  Never staying more than 5 years in any one area did not exactly allow me to develop meaningful relationships with any of my peers.  When I began my freshman year in high school, I spoke with an almost non existent accent to my voice.  People found it hard to understand anything that I said and equally found it hard for me to understand the thick accent in which my peers projected.  It was never easy on me making friends regardless of where we were living.  I never understood why it was always harder on me than others or even my two brothers to successfully interact with others without a constant fear in my head that I was going to be rejected.  This problem continued throughout not only my life in school but out in the real world as well.  I had always assumed that there is just simply some defect within myself that was always the cause of my social awkwardness. 
I had always felt that the same defect had caused me to never want to compete against someone else for fear of seeing them lose and how bad I would end up feeling.  I had also felt that the same defect was the cause of the failures of all my relationships with women. 
            For eight years I had served as a volunteer firefighter and that same defect always kept me from being someone that everyone could depend on, the “go to guy”.  It didn't matter how many hours of training I put in or if I scored better or knew the material better than everyone else, it just was not enough.  I eventually became an emergency medical technician at the basic level in the state of Kentucky.  There where plenty of reasons why one would not particularly care to be an EMT.  It has the possibility of long unusual hours and almost always low rate of pay.  I became an EMT because I felt that my whole entire life I have been under the thumb of everyone else.  I was either always doing something because someone told me to or because they would rather see me do it than themselves.  I was always in someone's shadow no matter if they deserved the spotlight or not.  However my work as an EMT revealed to me two things about me and life in general.  The first is that everyone has an agenda.  The second is that everything's conditional. 

  I want to return to the subject of unconditional love or what I now know as love that does not exist.  Every relationship that begins begins with an interest.  Every one has an agenda that they work off of when determining how far if at all they allow the relationship to go.  There are no exceptions to this as no one on this earth is capable of going from nothing to love without conditions being met.  Even parents are guilty of having to have conditions met before they can love their own offspring.  I know that the very thought of what I just said would immediately set off any well meaning parent.  If an honest person were to examine themselves they would realize that events had to take place before love could occur.  I mean I have never heard a mother or a father say they love a child that has not been conceived.  Event one has to be that the woman becomes successfully pregnant.  If even one event has to be successfully met in order for love to be possible then that love was conditional.  Does conditional love mean any less than unconditional love?  I would not feel that way.  What I would hope to expose to readers of this book is to the greater appreciation of the conditions met in order for love to be successful.  I would even be bold enough to say that an admission of conditional love over unconditional love would have much more meaning due to the honesty that must take place.  The word honest is something that is merely thrown around these days.  Much like a man's handshake or a man's word, it does not mean what it used to.  It takes honesty and integrity to build a quality relationship resulting in love.  It takes even more to make that relationship last.  I have realized throughout the failures of my relationships with women is that no matter how much respect and courtesy I would extend to them, it was worthless unless I was giving them the real Virgil Edwards.  I have to admit that while the respect and courtesy I would show is very much a part of me, what I didn't show them was the playful side of me that I had always felt was immature and would simply go away with age.  I didn't show them the side of me that quite frankly does not need to be in detail here.  Each relationship lasted only as long as conditions were being met. 
As soon as I was unable to satisfy the other person's agenda or they found someone that could I was history.  However even with this revelation I knew that I did not quite have the whole picture.  I began to understand that if everyone has to have conditions and a personal agenda, then perhaps in order to better interact with everyone around me, I too must have conditions and a personal agenda.  My whole life I always saw people and never had any real expectations of how they should act around me or how I should act around them.  I remember when I was young and living in Virginia, I would have this mentality about people that would cause me to think that perhaps I was the only one that was real and everyone else was just there.  Have you ever looked at a person in another vehicle on the road and knew especially if they were going in the opposite direction as you that you knew you would never see them again and therefore never had any expectations?  That is how I looked at each person I would come across.  I looked at people as if they were robots.  You never looked at your vacuum cleaner and expected it to plug itself up and clean on its own.  That is how I looked at people.  I had no expectations of how they should treat me or how I should treat them.  I never set any conditions on which people interacted with me.  I never looked at people then and said if this person does not fit what I expect out of them then I would not have anything to do with them.  I often found myself alone as a child because I did not expect others to want anything to do with me.  I did not expect others to feel the need to have me around.  I never was able to make the connection that if I did not interact or interject myself around others I had no real expectation of being surrounded by others.  We all have conditions that must be met in order for us to successfully interact with others.  We all have personal agendas that we expect others to adhere to or agree with in order for us to successfully interact with others................................TO BE CONTINUED

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