Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Vape I Vote Vaping: A True Representation of America

Monday, August 25, 2014

Double Devil's Advocate, Ferguson Haste and Bias

Just why should people on all sides of the Ferguson Missouri incident of the Cop involved shooting death of Mike Brown be worried about the comments made by their Governor Nixon, Department of Justice head Eric Holder, and President Barack Obama? 

If you are concerned about Officer Darren Wilson, you have to be concerned about 2 things.
1) The Governor, Eric Holder, and our President have all three made comments referring to the prosecution of Officer Wilson.  By referring to Prosecution, they have already insinuated that a crime has taken place that needs to be tried in a court of law.  The comments have also set up a bias that there is reason to believe that the Officer committed an offense.  This is dangerous because the 6th amendment to the US Constitution guaranties each individual the right to a fair trial.  How fair can the jury pool really be in light of comments made by high ranking officials in favor of prosecution?  This sets up the situation where Officer Darren Wilson's rights cannot be guarantied. 

2) The comments spread across every major media outlet on TV and on the Internet have cast a damaging blow to Officer Wilson's reputation.  It would be very unlikely that any other agency would be willing to hire Wilson in the future even if it turns out that he was innocent of all charges.  The comments made by Nixon, Holder, and Obama are damaging, jury tampering, and both instances are punishable in a court of law.

If you are concerned about Justice for Mike Brown, you have to also be concerned because as I mentioned above, the comments could be considered jury tampering.  Also as I have mentioned, every person has the right to a fair trial.  If Officer Wilson is indicted for either murder or manslaughter, a judge would have little reason to believe that he would receive a fair trial by jury. 

On a personal note: I would like to see Nixon removed from office for inciting violence with his comments because they were both unnecessary and unprofessional.  I would like to see Holder removed from office due to his comments labeling this case as racial profiling in light of his duties to remain blind to color.  I would also like to see Congress reprimand President Obama for giving an OK, to have federal authorities involved in what is essentially a local incident. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson Poem

No Good Crisis goes to waste, this story has been full of haste

For it was Brown and not the Cops who gave chase, For it was Brown who damaged first the cop's face.

Looting and Rioting every place, they only bring Ferguson more disgrace.
Nixon, Holder, and Obama blame Police, The Mainstain Media hates to see the rioting decrease

Grocery Stores burn and Liquor Stores Fleeced Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson came to make Racism increase

If the cop had been black or had Brown been white 
None of this would have seen the light

For Brown would have still been alive if he had not tried to fight

That is all I have to say, so have a good night!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Montel Williams further Disrespect for Bloggers

So apparently making a video about something makes you a victim!  That's nice to know!

Montel Williams Does Not Respect Bloggers

Bloggers are not held down by the restraints of the Politically Correct Mainstream Media machine and thus are more than likely to ask the tough questions "reporters" will not.  Thus the reason why celebs like Montel Williams refuse to give proper respect to the only free press left in the United States.

Friday, August 8, 2014

How minimum wage hurts businesses and workers

Having a Federal minimum wage law in place is alone a hindrance to not only business growth but to workers wages also.  This is a difficult concept to grasp thanks to the decades of socialist propaganda taught in all our Public Education schools.  The mother of all that provides in our economic climate is competition.  Competition for best working conditions, best benefits, best wages, job security etc. is all put at risk when the government gets involved and starts to dictate, regulate, and mandate these things.  Businesses as a result instead of paying attention to employee retention and providing a product/service that is exceptional, they spend their time just trying to adhere to all the mandates.  Why would 2 different businesses competing in the same industry for example McDonalds and Wendy's worry about paying their employees more than the minimum when there is a law in place saying that minimum is all that is necessary?  McDonalds knows that is the minimum, Wendy's knows that is the minimum and thus neither business is likely to compete with each other as far as employee pay goes.  Also both businesses have similar health and safety standards both federally, state, and local, so again those 2 businesses are going to adhere to those standards, no competition.  Basically the only competition taking place is the quality/taste of the food and the service provided.  When there is no competitive nature between businesses, the employees are not going to feel obliged to do anything above and beyond the minimum standard because they see their management is not having to go above and beyond. 

If we really want to see workers at all levels see higher incomes, to see higher quality products and services produced, then we must have less government intervention.  The problem is that people have been feared into believing that an all around coverage of government is the only thing that will keep society civil, you safe, and the economy going.  This is completely bogus and the proof is all around us today.  People are not as dumb as government would like for us to believe.  people are quite capable of walking into a business and immediately being able to make a decision as to whether or not that business is clean, if the staff are happy and if they should either stay and do business or turn around and run.

Common Sense for the 21st Century

When in the struggle of current events bring us to a point in our country’s history where blatant displays of tyranny are being pushed on to us from all facets of life as compassion.  Does it not make COMMON SENSE to reject these forms of compassion?  Does it not oddly strike anyone that these forms of compassion do not allow you to say no, and in fact are penalized with more financial and legal suffrage if you do not comply?  When in human existence did a people ever feel free and just when their governance allows for the intentional and cold blooded murder of the unborn? Furthermore, when did such activity become in any way part of individual liberty and freedom?  Common Sense for any individual should be to be of the position that you would want maximum freedom, maximum privacy, maximum individual choices that are not infringed upon by any government foreign or domestic.  It is a natural right and power of the individual to always control their own government.  

For 100 years now, our Central Federal Government has levied taxes on that which we rightfully earn.  Not coincidentally we also see the 100 year existence of the Federal Reserve Bank which has unconstitutionally assumed the role of the US Treasury Department.  They print our debt notes, control economic climates through quantitative easing (QE), and continuously buy up US Debt.  Not coincidentally this nation has been at a near constant state of foreign conflict with those who have not brought harm to the people of this nation, attacked us on our homeland, or threatened our sovereignty.  This is for the purpose of not maintain “National Security” but furthering the advance of the Federal Reserve Bank and its fractional banking practices, and growing the “Military Industrial Complex”  that President Eisenhower tried to warn us about.  It has always been and always will be to the benefit of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Military Industrial Complex to keep Americans in a constant state of fear about the next economic collapse or the next wave of “terrorists”.  For 100 years now our fine men and women in uniform have been the ones to make the sacrifice being told it was for the protection of our way of life and freedom, but it was for resources which we do not need or can obtain right here at home. 

Common Sense is not at all that common in our government, in our classrooms, in our media, in our society today.  The only Common Sense answer for this is because government now controls all facets of our lives.  We are constantly bombarded with government everywhere we look.  The majority of us have never even read our founding document(s) to include the Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution.  Common Sense says that if you want to buy a product, you should first decide if you have the financial means without burdening others to buy said product.  You should also buy said product under a volunteer choice.  Common Sense should mean that each of us should be aware of the actions of our government.  However, this is impossible when we allow ourselves to be ignorant to even the functions of government as defined by the people that created it.  It is impossible when we allow our media to become completely corrupt and bias toward favoring government.  We have allowed a law to be passed by one party in 2009 that forces you to participate in a health insurance exchange or be penalized or even jailed.  Furthermore, the same agency of the federal government that coerces you out of your hard earned wealth will be the same agency that ensures your adherence to this law.  Mind you this is the same agency that has an admitted history of punishing its political opponents.  Common Sense says that only you should decide how you spend your money and on what. 

Common Sense should have told us as Americans that nothing good comes of electing those with great wealth to political offices as was done by the people in the days before the infancy of the United States of America.  Just as the gentries of early colonists assumed control of the different assemblies that wanted to perpetuate their control down their bloodline, the elites of today amassing great wealth are elected to office and then followed suit by their offspring.  The common man of the 1700s were ruled and held down by the wealthy.  Today the same continues as a common hard working American could never take the time; much less amass the wealth necessary to facilitate a run for political office.  We continuously suffer from poor policies coming from our elected government because we commonly elect those with little to no real world experience due to always being wealthy.  We commonly elect those who can speak eloquently over those who could lead and adapt to the needs of the people.  Those with wealth and very little else going for them are not superior to anyone else and we need to stop electing these people to congress, to being our President, to being our Governors.

Common Sense needs to become common once again.  Common Sense is an enemy of the state which holds our very individuality, our freedom, our civil liberties hostage.  Common Sense requires a never ending thirst for knowledge for knowledge is power.  Common Sense requires courage to stand alone in your convictions while striving to avoid being alone in your stance.  Common Sense requires you to be independent, self-sufficient, and respectful of the individuality of others.  There is no room in Common Sense for racism, bigotry, and the false claims of these assertions.  There is no room for coercive force of government and perpetual elite rule in Common Sense.  DAMN IT we are Americans, we defined what individual freedom and liberty looked like to the world that then still was held oppressed by few Kings and Queens.  “YES WE CAN” achieve victory over those holding us in bondage and we can break from our own self-induced Stockholm Syndrome.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Why Impeachment talk is innappropriate.................For right now!

Never before in United States history has a President been so brazen with his executive actions as to dare the opposition party to sue him, to impeach him.  This attitude comes on the heels of executive orders involving the ACA aka Obamacare and orders involving the Immigration Humanitarian Health crisis on our Southern Borders.  While this crisis goes on, and he is getting owned by not just Russian President Vladimir Putin, but by Israeli leader Netanyahu, instead of being engaged on the issues such as patients with Ebola coming into the US creating a serious threat to the population, instead of paying close attention and demanding the EPA provide clear transparency and cooperate fully with the representatives of Toledo, Ohio dealing with a toxic situation with their water supply, President Obama is out campaigning, golfing, taking yet another vacation.  He does this while telling the media that he dares the GOP to try to Impeach him.  This not only shows his brazen disregard for law and order and constitutional limits on his authority, but it shows that he simply no longer cares if people see him as needing to be impeached.  Why is it then that I think talking about Impeachment right now is a bad idea?  Well because we all know that while Dirty Harry Reid is in control of the US Senate, it would never see the light of day and it would be a wasted effort.  However as corrupt as Obama is, he would seek to use this to try to once again go to the Democrat Base of Voters and tell them that its because of the color of his skin that the GOP wants to impeach him and goad them out of more campaign money.  I also find that this "lawsuit" of Speaker Boehner's is pretty damn worthless as well considering the current political climate and his willingness to cave on the issue himself almost a year ago during the "Shutdown" that really wasn't a shut down considering that most of government runs on auto pilot.  My advice for the GOP in DC and for GOP voters nationwide is this, Vote GOP like you have never voted before in 2014, retake the US Senate and then in 2015 pursue Impeachment. Once the Democrats lose control of the US Senate, then Obama's administration is finished.  I can easily see him pulling a Nixon and resigning.  He knows his time in office is quickly drawing to a close.