Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Ridiculousness of the Liberal #BoycottIndiana push

More than 60 years since the Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights Acts from passing by Senatorial Filibuster, Democrats continue to demean and politically use minorities of all kinds as pawns to maintaining and growing political power.  In the 1800s Democrats used Black Americans to appeal to the White Americans to keep them in power so that they could continue to use them for slave labor.  When Americans moved on from that, the Democrats created the KKK and Jim Crow laws to further appeal to white Americans in the south sore about not being able to use people of color as their slaves.  Post Civil Rights Acts passing, Democrats use cliches like "Affirmative Action" and "Social Justice" and "Wealth Inequality" and "Gay Rights" and "Women's Rights" and "Reproductive Rights" to appeal not to white Americans, but to every minority group of people that dont identify as being White, Straight, and Christian.  Democrats always promise the world to these people, but only deliver enough to get their vote during election cycles and then absolutely nothing the rest of the time.

With Democrat rejection of common sense initiatives like Voter ID Laws, they continue to treat minorities in the United States like second class citizens by claiming that such laws impose hardships on them that they cannot possibly overcome.  This is political correctness double speak for "You are too dumb to possibly adhere to this law"  They might as well with their ridiculous opposition to Religious Rights Restoration Laws say to the LGBT community, "You are too dumb to be expected to simply spend your money at a business that doesnt care if you have chosen to be Gay!"  And another thing, since when did it become prideful to reject choosing to be gay?  Is it more prideful to say I was born gay? It is my belief that it has simply become more politically expedient in 2015 to say you were born a certain way over saying I chose to be a certain way.

This nation was founded on the principles of protecting Individual Liberty from the Mob style mentality.  In 2015, we have become the nation of protecting the mob style mentality from Individual Liberty.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

#Twitter Milestone REACHED

Id like to take this moment from handing liberals their dumbass asses to announce that earlier this evening, I went over 1000 followers on my IrvinePatriot account on there.  This is a great achievement for me and I want to thank each and every one of my followers and I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog.  Its trying sometimes to continue being a loud consistent voice for Constitutional Conservativism but its moments like this that lets me know that its working and its all worth it.  THANK YOU!!

#RaceTogether with #Starbucks

Apparently Starbucks thinks that people honestly want to get a double shot of blame whitey with their overpriced underwhelming mocha latte.  Personally, this is not a surprise that Starbucks has pushed the #RaceTogether campaign in the midst of the flaming disaster that is Ferguson, Missouri.  The liberals have always believed that if their agenda doesnt succeed, its only because they didnt try hard enough or didnt sell it well enough, not ever because the people just simply disagree with them.  So it is the official position of The Irvine Patriot that you make sure that your coffee comes from any other source other than Starbucks.  You will not only save money, but you will enjoy your beverage without all the added nonsense of an agenda aimed at only inflaming race relations in America.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Senator #RandPaul Answers my Tweet from #SXSW #HillaryEmail

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky at #SXSW replied to a tweet of mine.  You can find the scoop here!

Thank you Senator Paul for being a true Citizen Statesman!

Typical #Liberal Response to Criticism of #President #Obama

Apparently my Letter to the Editor in the Citizens Voice and Times has ruffled some feathers.  My recent post about How President Obama does not love America is the contents of that letter.  His name is Matt Floyd and the following is his response to me.  Immediately insulting, uninformed, and completely off track.  The Typical Liberal:

"Ur article in the paper is a joke. Obama has deported more illegals than any president and even beefed up the security at our borders. President Bush, Reagan, Nixon and Eisenhower have mote executive orders than again teabagger, check ur facts and get out of ur bubble. And as far as Obamacare might wanna check how many lives has been saved and how much money its saving the health industry and how healthcare cost are dropping faster than the CBO originally case you are unaware the CBO is non partisan group...heres a link to there website so u can educate urself and heres one last linl refering to ur fox news lie about executive orders
To me, you and people like you with your disrespect for OUR president is unamerican. He killed Osama Bin Laden, added jobs to America when the economy was in the dumps, despite no help from the peoole u elected into office he has recovered the economy. So if u dont like thr things Obama has done then you must be pro Bin Laden and want to see our economy collapse....But continue to pick and Obamas record but the facts will still out number your pitiful ways and he will go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. Have a nice day Mr. TEABAGGER!"

So You be the judge! (I took out his links because I do not allow external links I didnt acquire on my site.)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Three Ways President #Obama Does Not Love America, #GOP Leaders Sitting Back Letting It All Happen

President Barack Obama does NOT love America.

Since the November 4th 2014 midterm elections which saw the Republican Party retake majority of the US Senate and add more seats to their control in the US House, President Obama has launched effort after effort to undermine our constitutional rights and freedoms all under the guise of Executive Authority via Executive Orders.  Among the most damning is his order for Amnesty for 4-5 million Illegal Aliens in this country.  The United States is indeed a melting pot, a nation of immigrants.  However above all else, this nation is a nation of laws, the chief among them is the law of the land that is the US Constitution.  President Obama with this order seeks to validate the law breaking by millions of people who have come across our borders illegally or have come into this country on work visas and simply refused to leave after expiration.  This amounts to validation of lawlessness.  Recently, South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy said that we must be careful with what we do with the law.  This is because once the law is allowed to be broken for political expediency, the law loses its teeth.  The law no longer has the respect that it should and will be willfully broken with little to no fear for repercussions.
President Obama has also with the coercive authority he possesses had the FCC to adopt "Net Neutrality".  This has also been coined as "Open Internet".  This basically turns the Internet into a public utility under the direct authority of the Government.  The public message about this action is to tell internet service providers that they no longer can throttle up or down internet speeds.  The reality of this action is that the FCC and other unelected bureaucratic arms of the executive branch will have discretion in controlling the internet.  This will undoubtedly be used to combat political opponents and their supporters from using the vast resources of the internet to oppose them.  FCC can license bloggers, pod casters, radio show hosts etc. very much in the way that they license over the air radio stations and  TV stations today.  This is a massive blow to our first amendment rights to freedom of speech, expression, press.  If anyone remembers from their United States history classes the Alien and Sedition Acts of President John Adam's day, they will agree that Net Neutrality is the online version of that.  For those not familiar, the Alien and Sedition Acts sought to censor and punish anyone caught criticizing the President over his positions such as the French Revolution.  

President Obama has also taken aim at our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms without infringement by back door methods in the recent weeks by attempting to ban certain ammunition.  Particularly the ammunition type used in the widely popular AR-15 tactical rifle.

The question that must be asked is why didn't President Obama lead Congress to take legislation on any of the aforementioned issues?  From January of 2009 through January of 2011 or the first two years of his first term as president, the Democratic Party controlled both houses of congress and could have passed any number of bills pertaining to the issues mentioned above.  I'm not in any way saying that what they would have passed would have been constitutional.  I am saying that at least the proper process of the Legislative branch writing legislation and the Executive branch signing them into law.  There isn't really but one clear cut reason for this.  President Obama would have never been re-elected.  

Unfortunately, both houses of congress are led by two career republican politicians that have long since represented the actual will of the people that they represent.  I am referring to US Speaker of the House John Boehner from Ohio and Senate Majority Leader Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell.  Boehner has been speaker ever since 2011 and McConnell has been Senate Leader since January 2015.  Both have failed to lead on reversing the damage that President Obama via executive fiat has done to this country.  They have also failed to take action to abolish the unpopular healthcare overhaul called "Obamacare".  It seems that living in the DC Bubble for as long as both of them have has rendered them politically tone deaf and toothless.  They both seem content to ride out the last two years that President Obama has left in the Whitehouse.

In conclusion, any elected official that willingly fails to keep their oath of office which is to uphold and defend the US Constitution cannot possibly love America. 

Virgil Edwards
The Irvine Patriot