Monday, June 29, 2015

Are There States Anymore?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Why You Shouldn't Vote For #RandPaul

I thought I would provide a short guide for deciding if you should support and vote for Rand Paul if you are still on the fence about the US Senator from Kentucky.
If you oppose Congress formally declaring war on our enemies as Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution says, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Republicans reaching out to Democrat strongholds and spreading the value of liberty and constitutional adherence to inner cities and youth, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Congress actually reading the bills they vote on and allowing the public to read the bills in full before they are actually voted on into law, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Government allowing you the individual to decide what is best for you to consume and partake in as far as illicit substances are concerned, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose ensuring that our borders are secure, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.
If you oppose efforts to end Domestic Warrant-less spying on American Citizens, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose efforts to end Unconstitutional Indefinite Detention of Americans, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support Congress giving up more and more of their Constitutional Power to the Executive Branch, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support special interest groups financially benefiting from the blood of our American Soldiers fighting overseas, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support continuing to allow non-violent offenders to be kept from voting, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support mandatory minimums for non violent drug offenses that often are longer than murder and rape offenses, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support the continued devaluation of our American Dollar through endless Federal Reserve QE's and artificially low interest rates, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support giving up Civil Liberties for Security, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

As the race to the November 2016 election for President continues, it is becoming clearer by the day who is in the GOP race as a defender of the US Constitution, and who is in it for power and establishment acceptance.  It is becoming clearer who truly has the people's back.  More importantly, with the ever growing presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. it is becoming clearer how we have come to the point in our nation with politicians that have become completely disconnected from the US Constitution, and that is because many Americans have become disconnected from the US Constitution.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

#GOP's Political Suicide Attempts

Republicans nationwide had much to celebrate on November 5th of last year when the GOP retook majority of the US Senate and added more seats in control of the US House of Representatives.  It is generally understood that contributing factors to this change in control was due to the continued decline in support for President Obama and the Democrats.  It was also due to the promises made by many of the GOP republican candidates of attempting to repeal Obamacare, oppose amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and to halt President Obama's agenda in general.  The victories were viewed as essentially the death nail in President Obama's administration.  Pundits for days after the elections were already proclaiming that President Obama would be a lame duck president for the rest of his second term.  THEY COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG!

It wasn't even two months after the elections that the nation witnessed US Speaker of the House John Boehner lead the GOP controlled House to passing HR 83 which was the massive Omnibus spending bill that funded most of the federal government and its operations thru September of 2015.  This bill included funding for what would become President Obama's illegal unconstitutional executive amnesty.  It would also include funding for many Big Government Liberal approved programs.  You can find more about it here..

This unfortunately would mark only the first of many acts by the GOP over the next few months that would lead one to believe that it is trying to kill itself,  The new year would come around and predictably the US Senate now controlled by Republicans would make Mitch McConnell its majority leader.  This is now being seen as the second act in the free for all that is now the GOP.  Mitch McConnell promised that the US Senate would get back to work for the people and promised that there would be debate on bills.  This was obviously a jab at former senate majority leader and Democrat Harry Reid who became notorious for not allowing votes on popular GOP passed bills coming from the US House in enacting what is known as the Nuclear Option.  It certainly did not take long before the US Senate would be tested.

The US House in its third act of defiance of the will of the People and of the Constitution was to pass thru its chamber the USA Freedom Act which lets be honest, its just a 2015 version of the Patriot Act which has provisions that shift bulk data collecting from the NSA to the Private Industry and changes nothing to keep the Government from placing the name "Verizon" on a search warrant to gain access to MILLIONS of innocent American's records. In the fourth act in the GOP's attempt at political suicide, Mitch McConnell declared that he didn't want the USA Freedom Act nor did he want the provisions in the Patriot Act to expire.  In other word, he was just fine with the Domestic Spy Program of the NSA's even though it is now generally accepted that the bulk data collecting of Metadata has not stopped a single Terrorist attack or even led to the capture of any terrorists.  US Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky spearheaded a 10.5 hour filibuster to force the sunset of certain provisions of the Patriot which expired on June 1st.  In the fifth act by the GOP to kill itself, the entire party abandoned Rand Paul during his filibuster, more Democrats came out to speak on behalf of Rand Paul than GOP Senators.. The GOP Senators that did show up and spoke did so in defiance of what Rand Paul was standing for.  They included the likes of Presidential Candidate and Teaparty's Benedict Arnold Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Mike Lee.  They both disagreed with Rand Paul and they touted the same fear mongering line of secret intelligence on terror threats and why the NSA still needs the ability to access the bulk collection of data.  In the GOP's sixth act, the US Senate not only voted to limit debate on the USA Freedom Act that the US House overwhelmingly passed, but then they passed the act themselves overwhelmingly.

The Seventh Act by the GOP to commit political suicide came in the form of what is known as Obamatrade or the TPP/TPA.  This is trade legislation which no one was allowed to read unless they signed a no disclosure agreement and culminated in Paul Ryan essentially pulling out the Nancy Pelosi card she pulled during Obamacare.  "We have to pass it in order to see what is in it."  It should also be noted that Senator Ted Cruz was among many who voted to pass this in the US Senate.  It now lay in the hands of the US House of Representatives which under the leadership of John Boehner is sure to inflict another act of political suicide.

Of course putting what the elected in the GOP has done this year, we must also account for what the GOP Candidates have done to inflict damage to the GOP.  We have Senator Ted Cruz, already mentioned above, has voted for the USA Freedom Act and the Fast Track TPA.  We have former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee telling people that he wished he could have claimed to be trans gendered to get into women's dressing rooms.  We have Dr. Ben Carson telling people that Prisons make people Gay.  We have Jeb Bush wanting to publicly shame unwed mothers, supporting Amnesty, and refusing to see the error with going into Iraq in 2003.  We have Senator Lindsey Graham who has said that there maybe a "rotating first lady" if he is elected.  I mean the list goes on and on and quite frankly too embarrassing to continue....

BAD NEWS IS.....Its just June of 2015..... Just how many more knives will Boehner/McConnell bury in the backs of conservative voters who put them in power in 2011, 2015 respectively?  How many more promises will they break especially as the Supreme Court is set to take on Obamacare once again?  Will the victories achieved on November 4th 2014 be all for nothing?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

#LGBT #FairnessOrdinances are Shams and This is Why

For the last several years, June has been deemed "LGBT month".  Now before you go one step further, you should realize that the remainder of my thoughts here are not out of malice for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Trans-gendered people, they are out of grave concern.  You see, Liberals and Big Government supporters have once again successfully divided Americans, this time it isn't about Race whether it be Black versus White or White vs Brown etc., it is about Sexually "Straight People" versus Everybody else.  These big government busy bodies across our country like the case of herpes are spreading their wild fear mongering and their false claims of compassion and their false claims of illegal discrimination.  They claim that if you don't rent to someone or evict someone from YOUR Property because you do not like their chosen lifestyle, that you have wronged them, that you have oppressed them, that you have DISCRIMINATED!  They claim that as an employer, if you don't hire someone or choose to fire someone based on their chosen lifestyle that you have committed an act of hate and that you should be fined and/or jailed over it.  They claim that as a private business owner if you refuse service in part or whole to any people who they deem to be oppressed/held back by the usual "Straight White Christian" that you should be put out of business by the government and that person discriminated against be made obscenely wealthy.

In my state of Kentucky, Midway a city between Georgetown and Frankfort, decided they would be the latest to jump on the "Fair Ordinance" bandwagon.  It is crystal clear that since this is the month of June once again declared LGBT Month that they saw fit to take advantage of the media publicity that they knew they would get by passing a completely unnecessary and completely politically motivated policy that further infringes on the rights of the private property/business owner.  The ordinance passed because there wasn't enough people there with the courage to stand up and say that it is not necessary.  That there is no widespread problem with "discrimination".  There weren't enough people to stand up and say that they are sick and tired of council members/legislators using entire groups of people which by far and large nationwide have never experienced even a single denial of their true constitutional rights to further advance their political ambitions, their political careers.

Supporters of these fad ordinances would immediately accuse you of being a "bigot" if you dared to oppose the ordinances.  Supporters would immediately claim that this is every much a part of the civil rights movement from the 60's.  Supporters would immediately claim that without such ordinance in place that the scarce number of LGBT in Midway would immediately be subject to inhumane behavior and would not receive any protections.  These ordinances are nothing more than another layer of bureaucracy to get in the way of private business/property owners of simply trying to live their lives as they see fit.  It is a bureaucracy that justifies the continued existence of Human Rights Commissions to already beleaguered taxpayers.  It is the direct contradiction of what it truly means to treat people equally and allow people freedom of choice.  It is a direct contradiction of what it means to truly be a free American in 2015. It is also a slap in the face of every single individual claiming LGBT that simply want to be left alone to be able to find their own place and people in society.

Not in the Bill of Rights, not in the entire US Constitution will you see any mention of having a job or renting housing or anything else or having a cake or anything else made by someone else as a federally enshrined Constitutional Right.  These irrational and often sycophantic supporters of these ordinances often rely on dogmas such as portraying their opposition as hateful bigoted micro aggressors.  They often deem it necessary to portray the LGBT as helpless and perpetual victims that need the coercive hand of government to validate them, protect them, redeem them.  They habitually refuse to pay any respect to what these ordinances do to private business/property owners because they are the ones that are not institutionalized to blindly follow the government's will.  They are the ones that often remain a beacon of hope to ALL of the concept of Hard Work, of Loyalty, of FAMILY.

These leeches of American Dreams only care about one and only one thing, and that is GOVERNMENT!  This is yet another one of their divide and conquer strategies to keep people distracted from those who are truly usurping their natural authority, their power over the government, and wealth earned.  YOU must decide for yourself if you are going to continue to fall into the trap set forth by your TRUE OPPRESSORS, or if you are going to stand side by side with the likes of me in demanding that TRUE EQUALITY be respected to the LGBT of our country by allowing them to experience the burdens of society, to find their own, to earn their place, to not be encompassed into a box by people who care nothing for them.  WILL YOU STAND WITH ME!