Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama's Blame Game on Russia Continues

Thursday, December 8, 2016

My Corrupt Hometown

I moved out of my hometown of Irvine Kentucky about 3 months ago. I've moved about 20 miles to the West in Richmond Kentucky. Today from Kentucky state auditor Mike Harmon released a report pertaining to details of possible fraud inadequate leadership and other correct Behavior out of the city hall of my hometown of Irvine.

Having spent the majority of my adult life living in Estill County where Irvine is the county seat, it is no surprise to me that this has finally been exposed and it is my hope that people go to jail over this because we are not a rich City taxpayers have been violated and people must pay the price.   just a reminder of what I gave a speech of pertaining to this exact thing.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Diversity in 2016

In the days of Martin Luther King Jr., diversity meant being inclusive of all people of all walks of life. Black, White, Brown, Catholic, Atheist, Jewish, men and women. Inclusiveness in government, in the classroom, in the workforce, in lunchrooms and in the military. Martin Luther King Jr. not one time ever called for killing of cops, the burning of people’s businesses, the calling of their own race’s lives matter while condemning everyone else as racist. MLK Jr. did it right. He took his message to the people and convinced us that peace through strength of numbers and of conviction can break through even the most hardened of hearts. He proved that love can win by not allowing haters to affect his pursuit of peaceful revolution.

Unfortunately this is 2016 and diversity much like the family sedan isn’t what it used to be. Diversity has become nothing more than a cliche meant to put lipstick on the pig so to speak. Diversity now means fifty shades of gray of the same idea. Diversity means believing that mankind has the power to control the weather of the entire globe even though most of it is covered with nothing but water and ice. Diversity means believing that compassion comes from the force of a government official loaded with arms that you aren’t allowed to have access to. Diversity means calling blacks uncle toms and coons and gays self haters and women weak daring to challenge political correctness in 2016. Diversity now means getting social media platforms to censor and ban people and messages that trigger and overwhelming emotional traumatic response. Diversity today reflects suing Christian bakers for refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple while those that refuse to make a “Thin Blue Line” cake get cheered on Facebook. Diversity means threatening the lives of outspoken gay conservatives that dare to come to college campuses to speak. Diversity today means using the force of the federal government to attack groups of people that you do not agree with. Diversity unfortunately means treating criminals better than law biding citizens and allowing our children to go to school without any measure of protection. Diversity today means a white guy or gal can play black face and be a leader in the NAACP or work in journalism as long as they are promoting “Social Justice”. Diversity now means that you get to call those who criticize you for sitting during the national anthem as white supremacist xenophobic racists.

MLK Jr. would be ashamed of America today. He would roll over in his grave if he knew how people bastardize his name for all the things they do in it. He would be aghast at how people have all but erased his efforts to show that people of all backgrounds can co-exist. He would tell “Black Lives Matter” that “All Lives Matter” and to go home and stop making fools of themselves. He would tell women today that they don’t need to do everything a man does in order to feel just as equal, just as powerful, and just as strong. He would tell the government that his people don’t need their pity, their handouts, or their lip service. MLK Jr. would tell the media that they have failed in their duty to be fair and impartial. I have no doubt in my mind that MLK would vote for Donald Trump in November if given the chance. Unfortunately it looks like being dead means his vote will go to Hillary in 2016…You know…Diversity and all….

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Meeting KY-6 District US House Rep Andy Barr

Tonight I met for the first time, My US House Representative Andy Barr. However, to properly tell this story, I must go back in time. I was excited in 2012 when someone I’ve never heard of named Andy Barr beat career politician and Nancy Pelosi momma boy Ben Chandler. It wasn’t even a close victory.

Little by little as time passed and I dug into the voting record of Andy Barr, I became discouraged because he had cast votes for legislation and spending bills that I felt violated my beliefs in limited government and fiscal conservativism. I felt that he had went against the tea party constitutional principles he had ran on. I felt compelled to even research all of the bills voted on by the US House in 2013 to compare his votes to KY-4 district Congressman Thomas Massie. What I found was that Barr had voted the same as Massie 77% of the time. For a long time after that, I had let the 23% compel me to post negative comments about him on social media like Twitter and Facebook. I never heard anything from Barr, no response of any kind. I chalked it up to another sell out congressman that really doesn’t care about their constituents. I even made an effort to gather support to challenge him for his seat.

Fast forward to tonight, as people were mingling with fellow conservatives and meeting with other elected republicans such as Kentucky Lt. Governor Hampton, and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul at a fundraiser for Republican for State House 81st district C. Wesley Morgan. I caught up to Congressman Barr and asked to take a selfie with him. After accepting, he immediately stated that he recognized me and my name from all the tweets regarding votes such as the “Cromnibus” or the Continuing Resolution Omnibus spending bill. He understood completely the frustrations I had with him and we spoke at length about why he voted the way he did. After meeting Congressman Barr, I can confidently say that I will still disagree with him on things, but tonight he earned my vote in November.

Congressman Andy Barr and I

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Lone #RandPaul Vote

Yesterday I participated with both of my parents in Kentucky's first Republican Presidential Caucus.  We had to go to Jackson County about 30 miles away from where we live in Estill County to participate.  While it was an inconvenience, it was exciting.  It would turn out that Donald Trump would win the Kentucky Caucus.  However, one big thing caught my eye!  On an interactive map from I was able to find out that I had cast the only vote for sitting Senator Rand Paul in the entire county.  Out of hundreds that participated, I was the only one to cast a vote for the most principled defender of our US Constitution on the ballot.  Yes Dr. Paul had suspended his presidential campaign in the 24 hours following the Iowa Caucus, but he was the only individual on that ballot deserving of my vote.  I have always believed that standing on your principles meant doing so in successes, in failures, and when you are all alone.  I was truly all alone in voting for Senator Rand Paul.

Showing Rand Paul in Estill County with One Lone Vote

Showing my GOP Kentucky Caucus Ballot

I am not ashamed of my vote, nor am I going to feel anything but proud of my lone stance.  I have believed in Senator Rand Paul before he was ever elected.  He was the very first politician I ever came across that was genuine, REAL.  He was the first person that didnt promise me things or tell me things I wanted to hear for the sake of a vote.  He was the reason I came to be a strong supporter of the US Constitution and strive for Liberty and Freedom.  He was the reason I evolved from just being a regular Republican.  I stand with Rand Paul.  I will always stand with Rand Paul.  Even when Im Alone, and I just proved it.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Kentucky's First Republican Presidential Caucus on Saturday March 5th

Tomorrow March 5th will be for Kentucky Republicans the opportunity to participate in the state's first ever Presidential Caucus.  Until 2016, Kentucky voters in either party voted for their choice of party nominee for President along with the primary candidates of state and local offices in May.  However thanks to a questionable statute in Kentucky's Constitution and the efforts of Senator Rand Paul to run for both President and seek re-election as US Senator, republican voters of the commonwealth will get the opportunity to have more of a voice in who becomes the National Republican Party nominee for President.  Question many ask is why does this presidential caucus give voters more of a voice?  By the time May comes around, the GOP already has a clear front runner and candidates simply do not bother with coming to Kentucky to campaign.  This election cycle is different.  Having a March caucus allows Kentucky Republicans to have more of an impact on the choice of nominees and candidates have had to come to Kentucky to speak to voters.  Obviously with this being the first ever caucus in Kentucky, there will be problems, there will be issues, questions, misunderstandings, and frustrations.  Take my situation for example.  I live in one of nine counties of the 120 counties that does not have a caucus location.  This is due to my county simply not having a republican party apparatus in place to organize and staff and approve of a location for voters.  I am having to drive to an adjacent Jackson County in order to participate.  Perhaps this will spark individuals in my county to revive the presence of a Republican Party organization in Estill County.  It is my hope that republicans of this Commonwealth will seize this first time opportunity to have an impact on a national election.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Senator #RandPaul Suspends Campaign for President

This morning, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky suspended his campaign to be the Republican Party nominee for President.  He will now concentrate on retaining his US Senate seat which is up for grabs this year.  What does this mean for the remaining GOP field.  NOTHING GOOD!!  We got a glimpse of what the remaining field has to say on the issues when Rand Paul boycotted the second to last Debate before the Iowa Caucus.  We witnessed a debate that was without true fiscal and constitutional conservative messages.  We witnessed a debate that was full of fear peddling and war mongering.  We witnessed a debate that only promises to continue the Status Quo of deficit federal government spending and national debt increases.  We witnessed a debate that was void of defense of the entire bill of rights.  What we witnessed was the foreshadowing of things to come.  Without Rand Paul in the GOP race, all hope of beating a Hillary Clinton or a Bernie Sanders has diminished.

I want to thank Senator Rand Paul for being the only sane voice on the GOP stage.  For being the rational consistent voice of liberty.  For being the only voice on that stage that gave our youth hope for a better future.  For recognizing the unholy alliance in DC between big Military spending conservatives and Big Domestic Welfare spending liberals.  The Liberty movement will not cease and desist because the Establishment says so.  Rand will not be our next President, but he isnt going away.  Neither am I.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why Senator #TedCruz Will NOT Be the 2016 #GOP Nominee

Texas Senator Ted Cruz won the Iowa Caucus on Monday February 1st.  However, I would not necessarily bet on Senator Cruz winning the GOP nomination.  My reasons may be considered by some to be out in left field, but hear me out.  The Republican voters of Iowa have a horrible track record of voting for those unsuited for the GOP Nomination.  Take the last 2 election cycles going back to 2008.  Mike Huckabee in 2008 and Rick Santorum in 2012 both won the Iowa Caucus popular vote.  However, neither of them even came close to winning the GOP nomination.  It was Senator Cruz's fear peddling, war-mongering, religious zealotry that won the caucus goers over.  It was the same tactic used by Santorum and Huckabee in 2012 and 2008 respectively.

Today, in 2016, Americans have worn thin of the obviously failed "War on Terror" that has been going on since the 2002 invasion of Iraq.  After more than 10 years of undeclared foreign conflicts that have sent thousands of our bravest men and women back home in body bags, Americans are not thirsty for war.  The blood lust that was fresh after 9/11 has all but disappeared.  Our Youth today that side with the likes of Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul will NEVER vote for the likes of Ted Cruz.  Thanks to the internet and social media, Senator Cruz cannot hide the fact that he has on many occasions stolen talking points from Senator Rand Paul and attempted to claim leadership over movements such as de-funding planned parenthood and audit the fed.  After missing the Audit the Fed vote on January 12th, any true liberty minded conservative voter gave up their respect they had for Cruz.

What is becoming more apparent by the day is that Senator Cruz will use any sneaky tactic he can to gain an advantage including sending out mailers that attempt to shame voters for not participating in past caucuses, claiming that Dr. Ben Carson was ending his campaign, and flip flopping his position on Edward Snowden to get votes.  This will soon bite him in the rear and may do so as soon as the New Hampshire primary coming up.  His constant preaching about how Godly he is and how he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and make the sands glow will not be welcome in other primaries as it was in Iowa.

What is also becoming clearer is how arrogant Ted Cruz really is.  He took the position that he was the rightful heir of the Ron Paul vote.  How asinine do you really have to be to believe that as long as Ron Paul's son Rand Paul is running in the race that someone else will be the heir to his votes?  After last night's victory, The Cruz camp boasted that Cruz got a record number of Caucus votes.  Its as if he seriously believes the record turn out was because of him.

Every GOP nominee has been able to work with the majority of congress to get things accomplished in DC.  Perhaps even more so than Ron Paul, Ted Cruz can't work with anyone in DC to get anything done.  His antics on the Senate floor calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a "Liar" is just an example of the unwelcome attitude he has presented in DC.  The difference between Ron Paul and Ted Cruz here is that Ron Paul never broke decorum to make his points.  Ron stood on unwavering principles to hold the fiscal/constitutional line.  Senator Cruz also has a very big problem and its the same problem Senator Rubio has.  That problem is his poor Senate attendance record.  Cruz has taken the position that if a vote isnt close or will politically favor him, that he will simply not show up to work.  Iowans might not care that Cruz and Rubio have chosen to run for a promotion instead of doing the work they take tax money to do, but that simply wont work in other primary states.

In the final GOP debate prior to the Iowa Caucus, Ted Cruz resembled more of a cry baby than a defacto front runner on stage after Donald Trump decided to boycott.  Complaining about panel questions and even getting into it with a moderator because his name was mentioned in a question and wanted to respond even though there was no debate rules allowing for such.  It was also exposed through video evidence that Ted Cruz flip flopped on his positions on Amnesty.

In conclusion, Senator Cruz better enjoy this victory, because if historical trends hold true, he will not get the GOP Nomination.  IF and this is a big IF, if Cruz is some how the GOP Nominee, he will lose embarrassingly to either Hillary Clinton, or if she is indicted, Senator Sanders.  THAT, is my unapologetic opinion!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#TedCruz #MarcoRubio Two #GOP Senator Candidates with Sad Excuses

This election cycle for the GOP has been so bizarre. I honestly did not think it was possible for the race for the GOP nomination to be any more bizarre than Donald J. Trump running as a republican. That was topped by Trump being at the top of the polls for nearly his entire run thanks to the media welfare given to him by the likes of Fox News and CNN. This GOP race has taken yet another bizarre twist. Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, Florida and Texas respectively, have both been missing a lot of work in the Senate. Cruz slightly less so than Rubio in votes missed. Perhaps what makes this most bizarre is their reason behind the absenteeism. They both claim that their votes don’t count and why show up to work if you know you are going to lose the vote. I mean how pathetic and defeatist does an elected official have to be to reach that position. They have both not only reached that position, but they are running for a promotion! How many of you can miss out on your job to the tune of 15–25% of the time and then go to your boss and ask for a promotion or even keep your job while seeking another with higher pay? Its simply not reality in your world and mine. However, in the world that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio live in, which is insider Washington DC., it not only is plausible but flat out unchallenged. Not even the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin who have made their name as exposing Washington corruption and calling out the establishment have been remarkably silent on this issue. It blows my mind to see everyday on social media the fact that fans of either of these candidates are not only noncritical of this behavior, but they flat out encourage it. To me its a window into the ethics of those voters. It tells me that they simply do not care about actual change and reform that would benefit everyone, they only care about change that benefits them. It tells me that they are not versed in scratching beneath the surface of the sound bite rhetoric emanated from these two. As long as certain buzzwords are spoke, that is all that is necessary to lure and keep these people satisfied. Nothing else matters.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Republican Conservatives should be OUTRAGED at Senate Absenteeism by Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio

Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have missed quite a bit of Senate votes in 2015 because of campaigning to be the Republican Party nominee for office. Senator Rubio attributed his absenteeism to basically saying his job is irrelevant. Note that he says his job is irrelevant but not his pay! Ted Cruz continues to refuse to address the issue. In the CNBC debate last year, Rubio basically took the position that since the media didnt crucify Senator Barack Obama for missing votes in the Senate that he shouldn’t be getting the questions now. Conservatives typically hold the position that people that have jobs should show up to work to do their job. They typically also hold that position to a higher level when it comes to elected politicians paid by the tax payers. So why the silence on the issue? Why would conservatives continue to accept an elected official or in this case two elected officials running for the nations highest office to be so derelict in their duties? The answer remains to be seen, but my extremely unpopular opinion on this is simply, Conservatives over the years have become much more aligned with their Liberal counterparts than either care to realize.

Senator Rand Paul also running for the Republican Nomination said it best in a recent ABC interview. “Tax payers are paying me, I figure I should do my job”.