Tuesday, July 28, 2015

#TedCruz and the #Cuckservative

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The #GOP "Infighting" and Why It Must Go On!

 In recent weeks since Donald J Trump announced that he was running for President, he has made controversial comments about Illegal Immigrants and most recently about Arizona Senator John McCain.  There is no shortage of opinions both favoring and disapproving of Trump's comments.  The common theme to come out of this is pleas on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook for the GOP to stop the "Infighting" and to unite against the Democratic Party and its agenda.  We saw this plea in both the 2008 Presidential race that saw the GOP nominate Arizona Senator John McCain, and even more so in the 2012 Presidential race in which Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was handed the nomination.  Of course the GOP lost both of these Presidential Elections to Democrat Barack Obama.  Both years featured pushes by what is known today as the Tea Party.  Both years the GOP pleaded with the Tea Party to stop the "infighting".  Many in the GOP still feel that these two individuals still represent the finest conservatives in the party.  Many more however feel that these candidates of the the past represented moderate republican/democratic-lite positions which led to the lack of voter turn out in 2008 and 2012.  
     Infighting in my humblest opinion is precisely what the GOP needs if it ever hopes to carve out a real identity for its self in a toxic political atmosphere which people increasingly believe that both political parties are complicit and in cahoots with one another to continue to divide the masses on issues like Abortion, Gay Marriage, Illegal Immigration, Healthcare, etc.  It is without little doubt that the Republican Party of today simply does not represent Conservatives that value our US Constitution.  Americans (myself included) are fed up with the theatrics that play out over the Mainstream Media outlets like Fox News and CNN and MSNBC that portray Democratic Party members disagreeing with Republican Party members but when the votes are counted and one bad law/bill after the other is passed in both houses of congress and signed into law by our President, it shows that they are more in agreement than not.  18 Trillion Dollars of Debt shows that there is no problem with the two parties wasting our tax dollars and spending more than it takes in.  
     Political races in this nation have always brought out the worst in people.  Even before TV and the Internet, Politicians used newspapers and local leaflets were used to spread negative views of  their opponents.  Even today politicians still pretend to be outraged when their competition reveals something publicly from their past that is either a lie or an inconvenient truth.  The cries for the "infighting" to end is merely nothing more but an attempt to silence dissent from those who are like me tired of the establishment.  It would be as foolish to stop the infighting today as it was in 2008 and 2012.  It would be like telling John Calipari to stop recruiting the best players in the nation and expecting UK Basketball to remain the pinnacle of College Basketball.  Choosing a nominee to represent your political party for the seat of the presidency should not be easy.  This period of time is not the time for unity, its a time for war......May the best Man or Woman prevail!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The #GOP's Addiction to Liberal Traps.

Today South Carolina's Governor Nikki Haley signed a bill calling for the removal of the Confederate Flag from State Grounds.. This is the State's best shot at reacting to the killing of 9 Christians in their church in Charleston last month.  This will undoubtedly have liberals laughing all the way to the polls.  Instead of attacking the real cause of this tragedy which is mental illness and laws discouraging gun ownership, they attacked a flag and the GOP are patting themselves on the back.  They are going around proclaiming that they have removed a symbol of hate and enslavement.  They are going around pretending that they have actually accomplished something positive.  Already people are planning future political campaign commercials around this proclaiming that a republican controlled legislature and executive branch are tone deaf to the issues at hand.  They will say that removing a flag was their best shot. (And they would not be wrong).

In other news, the GOP are attacking Donald Trump's comments on Illegal Immigration.  They are playing the "Im offended" card leaving liberals once again laughing all the way to the polls.  Reince Priebus once again is showing his affinity to lead from a position of weakness by trying to get Donald to tone down the rhetoric.  Illegal Immigration is a problem.  Its a problem that has spread disease, rape, death, and fiscal destruction across many states and in the federal government.  "Sanctuary Cities" are popping up and nothing is being done to stop them but Trump's comments are the problem?? Come on! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump is irrelevant.  It is undeniable his comments ring truth especially in light of the death of people like Kate Steinle,  But yet again the GOP continues to fall right into the Politically Correct traps set forth by the Liberals and their agenda.

Of course these are just the latest traps that the Liberal agenda has set which the GOP has fallen victim to. Others include HR 83 from last year, TPP/TPA, USA Freedom Act, etc.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Great #Democratic Party Fraud of the Last 50 Years!

One of the biggest political ideological frauds perpetrated over the last 50 years is that after the passage of the Civil Rights Acts by a Republican Congress, it is claimed that racists in the Democratic Party switched to being Republicans.  This of course is historical white washing as very few in the Democratic Party actually switched parties.  Today Democratic party members and their sycophantic supporters perpetuate the lie that they are the party of Civil Rights.  They claim that their party protects minorities to include Blacks, Women, etc.  They claim that they are the party of tolerance, of equality, of love.  What they are doing is with every act attempt to not only re-write history to erase any and all instances (Which are many) of where their party was responsible for supporting human rights violations.

Lets revisit some of these shall we?  It was a Democratic President that was responsible for what is known as the "Trail of Tears".  You know the order to move all Cherokee Indians from the South East to West of the Mississippi River.  The order that caused hundreds of deaths mainly women and children and the elderly that were not strong enough to survive the journey.  I can certainly understand why the Democratic Party and their sycophants would love to erase that from the history books.  Then there is the KKK.  You know that fun loving bunch of Democrats that didn't like the fact that they no longer could rely on slave labor and keep the black man/woman from integrating into what they considered THEIR society.  Yes that group of people that donned white sheets over their heads and burned crosses and assaulted/killed black people whenever they could.  Yes the very same KKK which Democrats today claim is a Republican Establishment even though they can't find one prominent Republican in their ranks and conveniently forget that Senator Robert Byrd A DEMOCRAT, was a proud member before dying in 2010!  Yes Democratic Party would love to absolve themselves of that bit of history.  Then there are the Jim Crow laws instituted by the Democrats in the South after the Civil War to discourage Black people from participating in society.  This too seems to be a bit of history that the Democratic Party would like for you to forget about.  How about the filibuster of Civil Rights Acts by James Strom Thurmond?  Yes Thurmond was a Democrat when he attempted for 24 hours and 18 minutes to stop the very bill that Democrats today say they were the champions of.  Now Thurmond actually did make the switch to the GOP in 1964.  Democrats during these times were all about enforcing the law even when the law was to keep Black people out of White Schools, out of the voting booths.  They were all about punishing those who would march in defiance and practicing civil disobedience.  It was Democratic President Lyndon B Johnson that said "Ill have those ni&&ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years" That took place in the 70s well after the supposed time when racist democrats switched parties.

So what has changed about the Democratic Party in 2015?  The answer is VERY LITTLE.  They are still the party of Racism.  Everything is about race to them.  Their insistence on portraying the Black man/woman as weak, as incompetent, as docile is every bit as harmful if not more harmful than when their ancestors beat them and enslaved them.  Their insistence on keeping segments of the population on government welfare and other handouts are perfect examples of how they don't want people to be independent.   It is the Democratic Party today that tells Blacks and Latin minorities that they are victims if they are to be made to provide proof of identification in order to cast a vote.  Every single metropolitan area ran by Democratic Mayors have the highest rates of Black on Black Murder/crime.  It is Democratic strong holds like Baltimore that see "leaders" condoning and at times even encouraging the social decline of youth.  "Give them room to loot, its just property"  YES these words were uttered by the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore.  Just look at the Confederate Flag nonsense today. After 9 Christians were killed by a racist in their own church in Charleston S.C. it was discovered that the killer, Dylann Storm Roof, was pictured holding a Confederate battle flag.  Since Charleston decided not to riot, loot, and destroy their own community, controversy in the form of attacking the Confederate Battle Flag was started.  It was a flag that Democrats in the south raised during the civil war, but try to white wash history by claiming that it is a flag loved by conservative republicans. Yet another one of their lies when they cannot pass off civil rights atrocities is to claim that it was Conservatives of the Democratic party that were responsible for them and that they are all now Republicans today.

After the decision by the Supreme Court to force Gay Marriage as law in all 50 states, it is predictable that Conservatives across the country would choose to resist by either ending all marriage licenses or to simply refuse to assign gay couples marriage licenses.  This non violent act of resistance otherwise known as civil disobedience is once again being attacked by, you guessed it, DEMOCRATS.  Their insistence on using man's law to be their moral compass once again compels them to lash out and demand punishment for those who dare to disobey a law.  The Liberal Gay Militants are even angrier today than they were prior to this decision.  I am reminded of a school of piranha fish that feverishly attack once they gain any measure of victory over their opponent.  The amount of hate and vitriol handed out on social media and by sycophantic media/celebrities over the last week in the "LoveWins" nonsense has the exact same stench and fervor that could arguably be compared to how the Democrats of the 1860s and beyond felt when they could no longer hold the Black man/woman down in bondage.  Ill close with an image of fine tolerant loving caring Democratic Gay Activists when they visited the White House.  Ill let you decide if today's Democrats live up to their attempted hype, or if they are just as deviant and as dangerous to the moral fiber of American society today as they were at their creation.