Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Analysis of the #EKU Bathroom Stall Threat and Response

     "BRINGING GUNS TO HERE 2-11-15 DEAD STUDENTS"  This was the threat written on a bathroom stall in a building on EKU's Campus in Richmond, KY. last week.  Every day since has been one great disappointment after the other.  The handling of this threat from day one has been over blown, and not conducive to ensuring the safety of being on campus.  After a few days, it was announced by EKU President Benson that any student, faculty, staff that did not feel safe coming to campus on 2/11/15 could simply stay off campus.  This has resulted in canceled classes by professors and low attendance in classes.  This has also resulted in giving the deviant writer of the threat everything they wanted.  Fear, disruption, attention, all of these were handed over on a silver platter by inept leadership that were more likely concerned about the liability of not reacting enough more than actually calming fears and ensuring safety.  During this week, I have witnessed at least 5 different police agencies patrolling campus on foot and in their cruisers.  Just what did they think was actually going to be accomplished by being out in plain sight?  Apparently the threat wasn't credible enough for them to be out and about undercover.  What perhaps is more insulting is the declaration that EKU didnt want individuals to provide protection for themselves.  They claim that by doing so while being well meaning would hinder their investigation and ability to provide safety on campus.  Of course when leadership doesn't have to be financially responsible for their decisions, it is far too easy of them to not spare any expense to get what they want.  It seems that not only do President Benson and President Obama share a 400,000 dollar salary, they also share a similar approach to those who would make threats.

     In conclusion, it is a pipe dream for anyone to seriously expect anyone else to provide for your complete protection and well being when you go out into public.  Personal Safety is your own responsibility.  The Police have no legal requirement to put themselves in harms way to protect you.  They are Law Enforcement Officers, not your personal security guards.  Liberals all the time complain about the number of school shootings.  Yet they offer nothing but propositions that have only encouraged the potential victimization of those who have to spend time in that environment.  "Gun Free Zones" have yet to have stopped any shooting.  Its a simple psychology, criminals will most likely act against those that they know will be defenseless when given the choice versus not knowing or knowing that they are armed.

OH and no assassin has been found yet today on campus!

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