Wednesday, May 27, 2015

#GOP The Truth Hurts: Its Time To Admit Faults And Move On!

     Today we saw Republican Senator and US Candidate Rand Paul continue to take a stand for the
truth.  Today we saw Rand Paul tell the country that the War Hawks in the Republican Party
HELPED create ISIS to what it is today!  Today we saw the continued repercussions on President Ronald Reagan's Commandment of not saying anything bad about other fellow republicans.  Make no mistake, Senator Paul is a republican running as a republican for the republican nomination.  He has never minced words, told you something just because it sounds good to blow smoke up your rear.   He has never been one to toe the political party line just so that he doesn't rock the boat.

""Graham would say ISIS exists because of people like Rand Paul who said, 'Let's not go into Syria.' What do you say to Lindsey?" said Scarborough.

"I would say it's exactly the opposite. ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave arms indiscriminately, and most of those arms were snatched up by ISIS," said Paul. "These hawks also wanted to bomb Assad, which would have made ISIS's job even easier. They created these people.""

This came from a WeeklyStandard post on their website

Of course if you read the Headline alone and formed an opinion, one would be upset with what Senator Paul had to say.  Of course this headline was crafted in a manner which to generate outrage toward Senator Paul in the wake of his courageous attempts to block any renewal of the Patriot Act which is set to expire on June 1.  Once you actually read and view the video included with the article post, you will actually see that Rand Paul did not say that Republicans created ISIS.  He said that the WAR HAWKS in the Republican party HELPED!!  Not only did he segment those in the party that he believed contributed, but also said that they were just a part of it.  Once taken into context that the discussion revolved around the Republican party and the words WAR HAWKS and HELPED, you see that not only is the headline misleading, but that the outrage displayed on Twitter this morning shows just how ingrained War is to many in the GOP Voting base.  It showed that we still have not learned our lesson about why its important for Congress to Declare War as Article I Section 8 dictates.  We still have not learned our lesson about global militarism even after witnessing the fall of the USSR in the early 90s as a result of them fighting in Afghanistan.  It shows that we are still falling in the trap of Big Government Cronyism.

Whether you believe that going into Iran in 2003 was warranted or not is irrelevant.  What is relevant today is that ISIS is stronger today than ever before.  Emboldened by weapons that the War Hawks gave to the Syrian Rebels which they either submitted to ISIS in cowardice or became turncoats to the cause.  They are emboldened by a weak US President who is unwilling to Declare War on them,(Senator Rand Paul is the only US Senator to actually propose a Declaration of War against ISIS)
Now we see the likes of Governor Jindal of Louisiana taking his Neo-Con stabs at Senator Paul because he wants to impress upon a base that still believes in the narrative that we won Iraq and that Obama gave it back.  Even going as far as to lay claim to the failed 2013 rhetoric that Senator Paul is to the Left of Obama on Foreign Policy.

Republicans need to stop worshiping War.  They need to recognize that the "War on Terror" has been a wholesale dismal failure resulting in the infringement of Constitutional Liberties, in the deaths of THOUSANDS of US Soldiers and innocents overseas, and added to our already crippling debt.  Republicans need to be adults here in the political arena since Democrats for the most part are not interested and admit that Rand Paul is absolutely right.  That continuing the same path promoted by the War Hawks of the Republican AND Democrat Parties is a path which will continue to further embolden and empower ISIS.  GET OVER YOUR FEELINGS!

Oh and one more thing.  Just how many of you bellyaching about what Rand Paul said today were complaining when virtually the entire Party Abandoned Rand Paul during his 10.5 hour filibuster of the Patriot Act renewal?  Just how many of you took to social media and condemned the likes of Ted Cruz, of Mike Lee, of Rep. Peter King, of Lindsay Graham, of John McCain, when they took their turns skewering your Constitutional Rights all in the name of "National Security".  When they told you that you aren't important enough to be told about so called threats to justify the furthered surveillance state.

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