Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The #GOP "Infighting" and Why It Must Go On!

 In recent weeks since Donald J Trump announced that he was running for President, he has made controversial comments about Illegal Immigrants and most recently about Arizona Senator John McCain.  There is no shortage of opinions both favoring and disapproving of Trump's comments.  The common theme to come out of this is pleas on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook for the GOP to stop the "Infighting" and to unite against the Democratic Party and its agenda.  We saw this plea in both the 2008 Presidential race that saw the GOP nominate Arizona Senator John McCain, and even more so in the 2012 Presidential race in which Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was handed the nomination.  Of course the GOP lost both of these Presidential Elections to Democrat Barack Obama.  Both years featured pushes by what is known today as the Tea Party.  Both years the GOP pleaded with the Tea Party to stop the "infighting".  Many in the GOP still feel that these two individuals still represent the finest conservatives in the party.  Many more however feel that these candidates of the the past represented moderate republican/democratic-lite positions which led to the lack of voter turn out in 2008 and 2012.  
     Infighting in my humblest opinion is precisely what the GOP needs if it ever hopes to carve out a real identity for its self in a toxic political atmosphere which people increasingly believe that both political parties are complicit and in cahoots with one another to continue to divide the masses on issues like Abortion, Gay Marriage, Illegal Immigration, Healthcare, etc.  It is without little doubt that the Republican Party of today simply does not represent Conservatives that value our US Constitution.  Americans (myself included) are fed up with the theatrics that play out over the Mainstream Media outlets like Fox News and CNN and MSNBC that portray Democratic Party members disagreeing with Republican Party members but when the votes are counted and one bad law/bill after the other is passed in both houses of congress and signed into law by our President, it shows that they are more in agreement than not.  18 Trillion Dollars of Debt shows that there is no problem with the two parties wasting our tax dollars and spending more than it takes in.  
     Political races in this nation have always brought out the worst in people.  Even before TV and the Internet, Politicians used newspapers and local leaflets were used to spread negative views of  their opponents.  Even today politicians still pretend to be outraged when their competition reveals something publicly from their past that is either a lie or an inconvenient truth.  The cries for the "infighting" to end is merely nothing more but an attempt to silence dissent from those who are like me tired of the establishment.  It would be as foolish to stop the infighting today as it was in 2008 and 2012.  It would be like telling John Calipari to stop recruiting the best players in the nation and expecting UK Basketball to remain the pinnacle of College Basketball.  Choosing a nominee to represent your political party for the seat of the presidency should not be easy.  This period of time is not the time for unity, its a time for war......May the best Man or Woman prevail!

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