Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The #GOP Trump Factor

Ever since joining the GOP Race for the Presidency, Donald J Trump has been toward the top...Then at the Top of the polls... His obvious controversial comments about Illegal Immigrants has obviously struck a favorable chord with those in the Republican Party.  Of course then came the circus freak show that was the first GOP debate in Cleveland Ohio by FoxNews.  The unusual back and forth tension between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly only served to invalidate the entire debate.  The events that occurred after the Debate only served to thus far thrust the GOP race into the tabloid reality TV realm.  Whether it was Trump's perceived comments about blood coming out of Megyn's wherever or whether it was Erick Erickson's revoking Trump's invite to the RedState gathering of 2015, or the Rosie O'Donnell spat about smearing period blood in people's faces.. Take your pick...All of these events have simply made for great entertainment television, but not good politics.  Of course does all of the times Trump has sided with the Democrats matter?  Does all the times Trump admitted to buying access to politicians for personal financial gain matter?  Does all the times that Trump took up leftist positions on Abortion, Guns, Healthcare, Taxes, matter?  Does all the times that Trump has switched parties matter?  It should... But what we have seen from those I have personally labeled as "Trump Humpers" is nothing short of a pure repeat of what we saw during both of Obama's campaigns for the presidency..Pure unadulterated blind devotion with a side of vile hateful often racist behavior.  Their desire for victory has clearly overshadowed their conservative values and can only be described as putting their Emotions over their Intelligence.. Of course this is only one step above Obama supporters which only have Emotions...

Then on the other side of the spectrum, you have the GOP Establishment pundits like George Will on Fox News telling people that Trump Supporters should join the rest of the GOP on the terms of the establishment...Not theirs... Of course this does absolutely nothing but make people support Trump even more.  Every time that someone of notoriety comes out and publicly attacks Trump, He retorts with something to the affect of they are Stupid or they are slobs or they have no chance..  and his fan base eats it up with the fervor not seen since the height of Hitler's rise in Germany.  Trump could cut the heads off of puppies and his fan base would cheer and take to social media with him holding the decapitated head declaring that he would be the leader that changes DC.  Ann Coulter took to twitter declaring that she didn't care if Trump allowed abortions as long as he took to task his "Immigration Reform".  This is precisely the sort of sycophant behavior that must not be allowed to continue to have influence in this race.

To Attack Trump or Not to Attack Trump....That my friends is the question... Many of Trump's beleaguered followers believe that Rand Paul has sunk in the polls as a result of his attacks on Trump at the Debate and afterward.  Simultaneously, they also believe that Ted Cruz's rise in the polls are a result of his refusal to attack Trump.  This in my humblest of opinions is hogwash because Rand Paul's numbers began to mysteriously drop after he came forward with his 14.5% Fair and Flat Tax plan.  It wasnt because his plan was bad...It was because his plan was bad for the special interests that are best served by politicians that are easily bought and sold that influence those polling organizations.  Both Trump and FoxNews released polling graphics of the first Iowa poll post Debate conducted by the CNN/ORC and they showed Rand Paul with 5%.....But They chose instead to show Jeb Bush who only polled at 4%.  This is nothing new to Fox News because they did the exact same thing to Rand's father Ron when he ran in 2008 and 2012.

In conclusion, This GOP Race has been a complete disgrace thus far.  As long as Donald Trump remains in the race, it will continue to be a complete disgrace.  If you believe that Fox News hates Donald Trump, then I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell.  

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