Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#TedCruz #MarcoRubio Two #GOP Senator Candidates with Sad Excuses

This election cycle for the GOP has been so bizarre. I honestly did not think it was possible for the race for the GOP nomination to be any more bizarre than Donald J. Trump running as a republican. That was topped by Trump being at the top of the polls for nearly his entire run thanks to the media welfare given to him by the likes of Fox News and CNN. This GOP race has taken yet another bizarre twist. Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, Florida and Texas respectively, have both been missing a lot of work in the Senate. Cruz slightly less so than Rubio in votes missed. Perhaps what makes this most bizarre is their reason behind the absenteeism. They both claim that their votes don’t count and why show up to work if you know you are going to lose the vote. I mean how pathetic and defeatist does an elected official have to be to reach that position. They have both not only reached that position, but they are running for a promotion! How many of you can miss out on your job to the tune of 15–25% of the time and then go to your boss and ask for a promotion or even keep your job while seeking another with higher pay? Its simply not reality in your world and mine. However, in the world that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio live in, which is insider Washington DC., it not only is plausible but flat out unchallenged. Not even the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin who have made their name as exposing Washington corruption and calling out the establishment have been remarkably silent on this issue. It blows my mind to see everyday on social media the fact that fans of either of these candidates are not only noncritical of this behavior, but they flat out encourage it. To me its a window into the ethics of those voters. It tells me that they simply do not care about actual change and reform that would benefit everyone, they only care about change that benefits them. It tells me that they are not versed in scratching beneath the surface of the sound bite rhetoric emanated from these two. As long as certain buzzwords are spoke, that is all that is necessary to lure and keep these people satisfied. Nothing else matters.

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