Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Lone #RandPaul Vote

Yesterday I participated with both of my parents in Kentucky's first Republican Presidential Caucus.  We had to go to Jackson County about 30 miles away from where we live in Estill County to participate.  While it was an inconvenience, it was exciting.  It would turn out that Donald Trump would win the Kentucky Caucus.  However, one big thing caught my eye!  On an interactive map from I was able to find out that I had cast the only vote for sitting Senator Rand Paul in the entire county.  Out of hundreds that participated, I was the only one to cast a vote for the most principled defender of our US Constitution on the ballot.  Yes Dr. Paul had suspended his presidential campaign in the 24 hours following the Iowa Caucus, but he was the only individual on that ballot deserving of my vote.  I have always believed that standing on your principles meant doing so in successes, in failures, and when you are all alone.  I was truly all alone in voting for Senator Rand Paul.

Showing Rand Paul in Estill County with One Lone Vote

Showing my GOP Kentucky Caucus Ballot

I am not ashamed of my vote, nor am I going to feel anything but proud of my lone stance.  I have believed in Senator Rand Paul before he was ever elected.  He was the very first politician I ever came across that was genuine, REAL.  He was the first person that didnt promise me things or tell me things I wanted to hear for the sake of a vote.  He was the reason I came to be a strong supporter of the US Constitution and strive for Liberty and Freedom.  He was the reason I evolved from just being a regular Republican.  I stand with Rand Paul.  I will always stand with Rand Paul.  Even when Im Alone, and I just proved it.

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