Thursday, September 29, 2016

Diversity in 2016

In the days of Martin Luther King Jr., diversity meant being inclusive of all people of all walks of life. Black, White, Brown, Catholic, Atheist, Jewish, men and women. Inclusiveness in government, in the classroom, in the workforce, in lunchrooms and in the military. Martin Luther King Jr. not one time ever called for killing of cops, the burning of people’s businesses, the calling of their own race’s lives matter while condemning everyone else as racist. MLK Jr. did it right. He took his message to the people and convinced us that peace through strength of numbers and of conviction can break through even the most hardened of hearts. He proved that love can win by not allowing haters to affect his pursuit of peaceful revolution.

Unfortunately this is 2016 and diversity much like the family sedan isn’t what it used to be. Diversity has become nothing more than a cliche meant to put lipstick on the pig so to speak. Diversity now means fifty shades of gray of the same idea. Diversity means believing that mankind has the power to control the weather of the entire globe even though most of it is covered with nothing but water and ice. Diversity means believing that compassion comes from the force of a government official loaded with arms that you aren’t allowed to have access to. Diversity means calling blacks uncle toms and coons and gays self haters and women weak daring to challenge political correctness in 2016. Diversity now means getting social media platforms to censor and ban people and messages that trigger and overwhelming emotional traumatic response. Diversity today reflects suing Christian bakers for refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple while those that refuse to make a “Thin Blue Line” cake get cheered on Facebook. Diversity means threatening the lives of outspoken gay conservatives that dare to come to college campuses to speak. Diversity today means using the force of the federal government to attack groups of people that you do not agree with. Diversity unfortunately means treating criminals better than law biding citizens and allowing our children to go to school without any measure of protection. Diversity today means a white guy or gal can play black face and be a leader in the NAACP or work in journalism as long as they are promoting “Social Justice”. Diversity now means that you get to call those who criticize you for sitting during the national anthem as white supremacist xenophobic racists.

MLK Jr. would be ashamed of America today. He would roll over in his grave if he knew how people bastardize his name for all the things they do in it. He would be aghast at how people have all but erased his efforts to show that people of all backgrounds can co-exist. He would tell “Black Lives Matter” that “All Lives Matter” and to go home and stop making fools of themselves. He would tell women today that they don’t need to do everything a man does in order to feel just as equal, just as powerful, and just as strong. He would tell the government that his people don’t need their pity, their handouts, or their lip service. MLK Jr. would tell the media that they have failed in their duty to be fair and impartial. I have no doubt in my mind that MLK would vote for Donald Trump in November if given the chance. Unfortunately it looks like being dead means his vote will go to Hillary in 2016…You know…Diversity and all….

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