Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Ridiculousness of the Liberal #BoycottIndiana push

More than 60 years since the Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights Acts from passing by Senatorial Filibuster, Democrats continue to demean and politically use minorities of all kinds as pawns to maintaining and growing political power.  In the 1800s Democrats used Black Americans to appeal to the White Americans to keep them in power so that they could continue to use them for slave labor.  When Americans moved on from that, the Democrats created the KKK and Jim Crow laws to further appeal to white Americans in the south sore about not being able to use people of color as their slaves.  Post Civil Rights Acts passing, Democrats use cliches like "Affirmative Action" and "Social Justice" and "Wealth Inequality" and "Gay Rights" and "Women's Rights" and "Reproductive Rights" to appeal not to white Americans, but to every minority group of people that dont identify as being White, Straight, and Christian.  Democrats always promise the world to these people, but only deliver enough to get their vote during election cycles and then absolutely nothing the rest of the time.

With Democrat rejection of common sense initiatives like Voter ID Laws, they continue to treat minorities in the United States like second class citizens by claiming that such laws impose hardships on them that they cannot possibly overcome.  This is political correctness double speak for "You are too dumb to possibly adhere to this law"  They might as well with their ridiculous opposition to Religious Rights Restoration Laws say to the LGBT community, "You are too dumb to be expected to simply spend your money at a business that doesnt care if you have chosen to be Gay!"  And another thing, since when did it become prideful to reject choosing to be gay?  Is it more prideful to say I was born gay? It is my belief that it has simply become more politically expedient in 2015 to say you were born a certain way over saying I chose to be a certain way.

This nation was founded on the principles of protecting Individual Liberty from the Mob style mentality.  In 2015, we have become the nation of protecting the mob style mentality from Individual Liberty.

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