Sunday, March 15, 2015

Typical #Liberal Response to Criticism of #President #Obama

Apparently my Letter to the Editor in the Citizens Voice and Times has ruffled some feathers.  My recent post about How President Obama does not love America is the contents of that letter.  His name is Matt Floyd and the following is his response to me.  Immediately insulting, uninformed, and completely off track.  The Typical Liberal:

"Ur article in the paper is a joke. Obama has deported more illegals than any president and even beefed up the security at our borders. President Bush, Reagan, Nixon and Eisenhower have mote executive orders than again teabagger, check ur facts and get out of ur bubble. And as far as Obamacare might wanna check how many lives has been saved and how much money its saving the health industry and how healthcare cost are dropping faster than the CBO originally case you are unaware the CBO is non partisan group...heres a link to there website so u can educate urself and heres one last linl refering to ur fox news lie about executive orders
To me, you and people like you with your disrespect for OUR president is unamerican. He killed Osama Bin Laden, added jobs to America when the economy was in the dumps, despite no help from the peoole u elected into office he has recovered the economy. So if u dont like thr things Obama has done then you must be pro Bin Laden and want to see our economy collapse....But continue to pick and Obamas record but the facts will still out number your pitiful ways and he will go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. Have a nice day Mr. TEABAGGER!"

So You be the judge! (I took out his links because I do not allow external links I didnt acquire on my site.)

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