Friday, June 12, 2015

Why You Shouldn't Vote For #RandPaul

I thought I would provide a short guide for deciding if you should support and vote for Rand Paul if you are still on the fence about the US Senator from Kentucky.
If you oppose Congress formally declaring war on our enemies as Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution says, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Republicans reaching out to Democrat strongholds and spreading the value of liberty and constitutional adherence to inner cities and youth, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Congress actually reading the bills they vote on and allowing the public to read the bills in full before they are actually voted on into law, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose Government allowing you the individual to decide what is best for you to consume and partake in as far as illicit substances are concerned, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose ensuring that our borders are secure, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.
If you oppose efforts to end Domestic Warrant-less spying on American Citizens, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you oppose efforts to end Unconstitutional Indefinite Detention of Americans, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support Congress giving up more and more of their Constitutional Power to the Executive Branch, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support special interest groups financially benefiting from the blood of our American Soldiers fighting overseas, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support continuing to allow non-violent offenders to be kept from voting, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support mandatory minimums for non violent drug offenses that often are longer than murder and rape offenses, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support the continued devaluation of our American Dollar through endless Federal Reserve QE's and artificially low interest rates, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

If you support giving up Civil Liberties for Security, then you should not vote for Rand Paul.

As the race to the November 2016 election for President continues, it is becoming clearer by the day who is in the GOP race as a defender of the US Constitution, and who is in it for power and establishment acceptance.  It is becoming clearer who truly has the people's back.  More importantly, with the ever growing presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. it is becoming clearer how we have come to the point in our nation with politicians that have become completely disconnected from the US Constitution, and that is because many Americans have become disconnected from the US Constitution.

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