Wednesday, June 3, 2015

#LGBT #FairnessOrdinances are Shams and This is Why

For the last several years, June has been deemed "LGBT month".  Now before you go one step further, you should realize that the remainder of my thoughts here are not out of malice for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Trans-gendered people, they are out of grave concern.  You see, Liberals and Big Government supporters have once again successfully divided Americans, this time it isn't about Race whether it be Black versus White or White vs Brown etc., it is about Sexually "Straight People" versus Everybody else.  These big government busy bodies across our country like the case of herpes are spreading their wild fear mongering and their false claims of compassion and their false claims of illegal discrimination.  They claim that if you don't rent to someone or evict someone from YOUR Property because you do not like their chosen lifestyle, that you have wronged them, that you have oppressed them, that you have DISCRIMINATED!  They claim that as an employer, if you don't hire someone or choose to fire someone based on their chosen lifestyle that you have committed an act of hate and that you should be fined and/or jailed over it.  They claim that as a private business owner if you refuse service in part or whole to any people who they deem to be oppressed/held back by the usual "Straight White Christian" that you should be put out of business by the government and that person discriminated against be made obscenely wealthy.

In my state of Kentucky, Midway a city between Georgetown and Frankfort, decided they would be the latest to jump on the "Fair Ordinance" bandwagon.  It is crystal clear that since this is the month of June once again declared LGBT Month that they saw fit to take advantage of the media publicity that they knew they would get by passing a completely unnecessary and completely politically motivated policy that further infringes on the rights of the private property/business owner.  The ordinance passed because there wasn't enough people there with the courage to stand up and say that it is not necessary.  That there is no widespread problem with "discrimination".  There weren't enough people to stand up and say that they are sick and tired of council members/legislators using entire groups of people which by far and large nationwide have never experienced even a single denial of their true constitutional rights to further advance their political ambitions, their political careers.

Supporters of these fad ordinances would immediately accuse you of being a "bigot" if you dared to oppose the ordinances.  Supporters would immediately claim that this is every much a part of the civil rights movement from the 60's.  Supporters would immediately claim that without such ordinance in place that the scarce number of LGBT in Midway would immediately be subject to inhumane behavior and would not receive any protections.  These ordinances are nothing more than another layer of bureaucracy to get in the way of private business/property owners of simply trying to live their lives as they see fit.  It is a bureaucracy that justifies the continued existence of Human Rights Commissions to already beleaguered taxpayers.  It is the direct contradiction of what it truly means to treat people equally and allow people freedom of choice.  It is a direct contradiction of what it means to truly be a free American in 2015. It is also a slap in the face of every single individual claiming LGBT that simply want to be left alone to be able to find their own place and people in society.

Not in the Bill of Rights, not in the entire US Constitution will you see any mention of having a job or renting housing or anything else or having a cake or anything else made by someone else as a federally enshrined Constitutional Right.  These irrational and often sycophantic supporters of these ordinances often rely on dogmas such as portraying their opposition as hateful bigoted micro aggressors.  They often deem it necessary to portray the LGBT as helpless and perpetual victims that need the coercive hand of government to validate them, protect them, redeem them.  They habitually refuse to pay any respect to what these ordinances do to private business/property owners because they are the ones that are not institutionalized to blindly follow the government's will.  They are the ones that often remain a beacon of hope to ALL of the concept of Hard Work, of Loyalty, of FAMILY.

These leeches of American Dreams only care about one and only one thing, and that is GOVERNMENT!  This is yet another one of their divide and conquer strategies to keep people distracted from those who are truly usurping their natural authority, their power over the government, and wealth earned.  YOU must decide for yourself if you are going to continue to fall into the trap set forth by your TRUE OPPRESSORS, or if you are going to stand side by side with the likes of me in demanding that TRUE EQUALITY be respected to the LGBT of our country by allowing them to experience the burdens of society, to find their own, to earn their place, to not be encompassed into a box by people who care nothing for them.  WILL YOU STAND WITH ME!

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