Saturday, December 5, 2015

#EricBolling of #FoxNews on Spying on Your Fellow Man!

Apparently if you arent willing to become neurotic paranoid borderline schizophrenic tattle tale on your fellow Americans, then Eric Bolling of Fox News believes that you are a coward and should "Stick your head in the sand".  The renewal of the policy "See Something Say Something" comes after the San Bernadino California shooting where 14 people died after some Allahua Akbar freak went on a shooting spree... The solution here isn't encouraging people to believe they will be safer if they spend their time spying on their neighbors or calling the police every time they "think" they saw something suspicious.  The solution is more people exercising ALL of their constitutional rights including their right to keep and bear arms.  But that doesn't keep the likes of Eric Bolling from attempting to play Donald Trump and appealing to the emotions of the GOP base by reminding them of a policy that was put into action soon after the 9/11 attacks 14 years ago.

As if that wasn't an asinine statement enough for the evening, he apparently didn't like it that I appropriately associated him with the Mainstream Media.  So he had this to say calling me "uninformed" for apparently not wanting to be influenced by the idiot box.

Yes by using a main stream media tactic to disengage yourself from a conversation you lost, You clearly show that you are not part of the main stream media...

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