Thursday, December 3, 2015

"#God Isn't Fixing This" #SanBernadino Shooting

It appears that the NY Daily News believes that only coercive force of government will bring an end to the shootings in this country like the one that saw fourteen people killed in San Bernadino, California.  They featured a graphic that showed the tweets of four GOP Presidential candidates each showing condolences and prayer for the victims and their families and then in the middle in big letters "GOD ISNT FIXING THIS"  Here is my reply to that sent to their address,

"There is a certain irony in posting this after the 14 people were murdered in San Bernadino, California.  The irony of course is the fact that society, our culture is what has been moving further away from God.  Society/Culture influenced by the liberal likes of your publication has encouraged nothing but Godless behavior from people.  Whether its support for Planned Parenthood and abortions in general, or the gratuitous levels of blood lust and violence in our Movies and Video games, it is institutions like yours that to this day continue to feed the culture which produces such tragedies.  It is NOT the NRA, it is NOT the Second Amendment, it is NOT GOD, that supports and breeds such culture.  The fact that you chose to feature four GOP candidate's tweets asking for prayer and then attempted to mock them by saying "God Isnt Fixing This" shows great levels of disingenuous and malicious intent to further drive society/culture away from God.  While you are indeed well within your constitutional right to publish this, you should understand that actions have consequences and there is no level of government on Earth capable of protecting you from those consequences.  This country sees incidents like this not because God doesn't care or because of a nefarious goal of the NRA to kill people with guns, but because of organizations like yours that promote hate, that sensationalize and make infamous people that commit these crimes against society and then prop up politicians that seek to exploit these incidents to further infringe upon the natural rights of individuals.  SHAME ON YOU!  I'll Pray for you to see the error of your ways.

Virgil Edwards
The Irvine Patriot."

It is most unfortunate that while the majority of Conservatives are offering up prayers and condolences to the victims, the majority of Liberals are politically posturing and blaming the likes of the NRA and the Second Amendment.  

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