Monday, August 4, 2014

Why Impeachment talk is innappropriate.................For right now!

Never before in United States history has a President been so brazen with his executive actions as to dare the opposition party to sue him, to impeach him.  This attitude comes on the heels of executive orders involving the ACA aka Obamacare and orders involving the Immigration Humanitarian Health crisis on our Southern Borders.  While this crisis goes on, and he is getting owned by not just Russian President Vladimir Putin, but by Israeli leader Netanyahu, instead of being engaged on the issues such as patients with Ebola coming into the US creating a serious threat to the population, instead of paying close attention and demanding the EPA provide clear transparency and cooperate fully with the representatives of Toledo, Ohio dealing with a toxic situation with their water supply, President Obama is out campaigning, golfing, taking yet another vacation.  He does this while telling the media that he dares the GOP to try to Impeach him.  This not only shows his brazen disregard for law and order and constitutional limits on his authority, but it shows that he simply no longer cares if people see him as needing to be impeached.  Why is it then that I think talking about Impeachment right now is a bad idea?  Well because we all know that while Dirty Harry Reid is in control of the US Senate, it would never see the light of day and it would be a wasted effort.  However as corrupt as Obama is, he would seek to use this to try to once again go to the Democrat Base of Voters and tell them that its because of the color of his skin that the GOP wants to impeach him and goad them out of more campaign money.  I also find that this "lawsuit" of Speaker Boehner's is pretty damn worthless as well considering the current political climate and his willingness to cave on the issue himself almost a year ago during the "Shutdown" that really wasn't a shut down considering that most of government runs on auto pilot.  My advice for the GOP in DC and for GOP voters nationwide is this, Vote GOP like you have never voted before in 2014, retake the US Senate and then in 2015 pursue Impeachment. Once the Democrats lose control of the US Senate, then Obama's administration is finished.  I can easily see him pulling a Nixon and resigning.  He knows his time in office is quickly drawing to a close.

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