Monday, August 25, 2014

Double Devil's Advocate, Ferguson Haste and Bias

Just why should people on all sides of the Ferguson Missouri incident of the Cop involved shooting death of Mike Brown be worried about the comments made by their Governor Nixon, Department of Justice head Eric Holder, and President Barack Obama? 

If you are concerned about Officer Darren Wilson, you have to be concerned about 2 things.
1) The Governor, Eric Holder, and our President have all three made comments referring to the prosecution of Officer Wilson.  By referring to Prosecution, they have already insinuated that a crime has taken place that needs to be tried in a court of law.  The comments have also set up a bias that there is reason to believe that the Officer committed an offense.  This is dangerous because the 6th amendment to the US Constitution guaranties each individual the right to a fair trial.  How fair can the jury pool really be in light of comments made by high ranking officials in favor of prosecution?  This sets up the situation where Officer Darren Wilson's rights cannot be guarantied. 

2) The comments spread across every major media outlet on TV and on the Internet have cast a damaging blow to Officer Wilson's reputation.  It would be very unlikely that any other agency would be willing to hire Wilson in the future even if it turns out that he was innocent of all charges.  The comments made by Nixon, Holder, and Obama are damaging, jury tampering, and both instances are punishable in a court of law.

If you are concerned about Justice for Mike Brown, you have to also be concerned because as I mentioned above, the comments could be considered jury tampering.  Also as I have mentioned, every person has the right to a fair trial.  If Officer Wilson is indicted for either murder or manslaughter, a judge would have little reason to believe that he would receive a fair trial by jury. 

On a personal note: I would like to see Nixon removed from office for inciting violence with his comments because they were both unnecessary and unprofessional.  I would like to see Holder removed from office due to his comments labeling this case as racial profiling in light of his duties to remain blind to color.  I would also like to see Congress reprimand President Obama for giving an OK, to have federal authorities involved in what is essentially a local incident. 

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