Friday, August 8, 2014

How minimum wage hurts businesses and workers

Having a Federal minimum wage law in place is alone a hindrance to not only business growth but to workers wages also.  This is a difficult concept to grasp thanks to the decades of socialist propaganda taught in all our Public Education schools.  The mother of all that provides in our economic climate is competition.  Competition for best working conditions, best benefits, best wages, job security etc. is all put at risk when the government gets involved and starts to dictate, regulate, and mandate these things.  Businesses as a result instead of paying attention to employee retention and providing a product/service that is exceptional, they spend their time just trying to adhere to all the mandates.  Why would 2 different businesses competing in the same industry for example McDonalds and Wendy's worry about paying their employees more than the minimum when there is a law in place saying that minimum is all that is necessary?  McDonalds knows that is the minimum, Wendy's knows that is the minimum and thus neither business is likely to compete with each other as far as employee pay goes.  Also both businesses have similar health and safety standards both federally, state, and local, so again those 2 businesses are going to adhere to those standards, no competition.  Basically the only competition taking place is the quality/taste of the food and the service provided.  When there is no competitive nature between businesses, the employees are not going to feel obliged to do anything above and beyond the minimum standard because they see their management is not having to go above and beyond. 

If we really want to see workers at all levels see higher incomes, to see higher quality products and services produced, then we must have less government intervention.  The problem is that people have been feared into believing that an all around coverage of government is the only thing that will keep society civil, you safe, and the economy going.  This is completely bogus and the proof is all around us today.  People are not as dumb as government would like for us to believe.  people are quite capable of walking into a business and immediately being able to make a decision as to whether or not that business is clean, if the staff are happy and if they should either stay and do business or turn around and run.

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